Introduction to Control Systems

What Makes Planes Fly Straight & Turn?
What Makes Planes Fly Straight & Turn?
Think of a plane like a giant bird that you control. It can tilt up/down (pitch), lean side to side (roll), and turn left/right (yaw). The main tools to do this are called primary controls. There are also extra helpers for small adjustments, called secondary controls. 😊✈ī¸
Basic Airplane Steering ✈ī¸
Basic Airplane Steering ✈ī¸
The main parts for steering a plane are ailerons, elevator, and rudder. Ailerons help the plane tilt left or right, the elevator makes it go up or down, and the rudder turns it side to side.
Extra Plane Features 🛩ī¸
Extra Plane Features 🛩ī¸
Think of secondary controls like flaps, slats, and trim as the helpers that make flying smoother. They boost lift, manage drag, and keep the plane steady during takeoff, flight, and landing.
How Planes are Controlled 🚀
How Planes are Controlled 🚀
Today's planes have cool tech called fly-by-wire. Instead of pilots moving parts by hand, they use computers đŸ–Ĩī¸ to fly smoother and safer!
Auto-Pilot Magic ✈ī¸
Auto-Pilot Magic ✈ī¸
Auto-pilot is like a smart robot that can fly planes by itself! It uses cool gadgets and computer brains to keep the plane on track, up high, and zooming at the right speed. Mascot
What manages aircraft flight direction?
Control systems
Engine thrust
Landing gear